BL / Yaoi
- 4 Shiki | Otome and BL Gaming
- Aarinfantasy
- AarinSecret
- All to myself
- BLfan (Japanese)
- BL Game Data (Japanese)
- BL games
- BL Games World
- BL Garden
- BL Jouhou
- BL Prism
- Blyme Yaoi (Portuguese)
- Eclair Comic (Japanese)
- Ertal Games
- Feminist Fujoshi
- Futekiya Blog
- GYEE A Gay
- Heterophobia Fansub (Turkish)
- Hugs, kisses, cuddles & smooches Shounen-ai Fanlisting
- Juné
- Love Revolution
- Niki's Yaoi Dungeon
- Otaku Champloo
- Ouendan Blue
- Ponytale in LalaParadise
- PsychoBrain Novelas yaoi Online (Spanish)
- Renta! | Digital English Manga, Licensed to Thrill
- Rotten Blossoms
- Seven Seas Entertainment: BL Manga
- Shio-tan BLogs
- SuBLime: Yaoi Manga for Everyone
- Sweet Hearts
- The Best of Yaoi/ Fanfiction and Arts
- The BL Starterpack
- The Yaoi Army - BL Webtoon Platform
- Xiao's Yaoi Playground
- Yaoi Ai
- YaoiCat (English / Japanese)
- Yaoi Consortium
- Yaoidreams
- Yaoi Information Website
- Yaoi no Tomodachi (German)
- Yaoi Playground
- Yaoi Press
- Yaoi-Sei
- Yaoi Sekai
- Yumii's Dream Factory
GL / Yuri
- Bakablonde's Shoujo Ai Retreat
- Comic Yuri Hime (Japanese)
- DLsite Yuri/Girls Love product list
- Exploring the Yuriverse
- Heterophobia Fansub (Turkish)
- Hime-Danshi
- Ichigo Aji - Yuri Tendou
- Japanese with Anime - yuri
- Lililicious
- Lilyka Manga
- Okazu
- Random Yuri
- Razzart Visual
- Seven Seas Entertainment: Yuri Manga
- Studio Élan
- The Holy Mother of Yuri
- The Yuri Empire
- Yuri & Shoujo Ai Manga Guide
- Yuri Anime Enjoy (Japanese)
- Yuri Central
- Yuricon
- Yuri Fan
- Yuri Fiction Headquarters
- Yuri-ism
- Yuri Manga Recommendations
- YuriMangaRules
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- Yuri no Boke
- YURI.PL :: Portal polskiego fandomu yuri (Polish)
- Yuri Recs
- YuriReviews
- Yuri Scans German (German)
Bishounen & Bishoujo
- Animebabes (English / Spanish)
- Anime Marriage Prospects
- AniMen
- Anime's Angels : A Minako, Miaka, Asuka Shrine
- Azure Valley
- Being Upfront: A Pictorial Guide to Bodacious Women in Anime
- Dokushin
- Fallen Angels
- Heather's Bishounen Shrine
- Lynne-Chan's Shrine to all the Hotties
- My Men of Anime
- My Women Of Anime
- Nini's Bishonen Dungeon
- Oyuki's Top Ten Cool Anime Chicas
- Pocket Bishonen
- Pocket Bishoujo
- Rhada's Bishonen Page
- Sara's Bishounen Page
- The Dark-skinned Cat-Like Female Anime Character Page
- The Ultimate H.A.Gs
- An Addict's Attic
- Anime-Cel
- Animezu
- Cody's Coop
- Dragon_gal's Cel Gallery
- E
- GR Crosscut's Ludicrus Toy Pictures
- Gremlins in the Garage: The Basics of Figure Modelling
- Hanafubuki
- Hitoshi Doi
- Jenny & Katie's Cels
- Kari's Anime
- Lola's Shitajiki Cupboard
- Mobile Suit Operation (Italian)
- Pui
- Raving Toy Maniac
- Rubberslug
- Sumire's Anime English Index
- The Outer Heaven
- TK's Cel Gallery
- ToyboxDX
Note: All current anti-sites have been grandfathered in for the sake of archival purposes, and no new anti-sites will be accepted.- 101 Things to do with a Dead Totoro
- Anti Pokemon
- AntiPokemon
- Anti Relena
- Anti Sailor Moon
- Anti-Treize aka Door-sama
- "Baka Baka" or "Too Many Idiots"
- Death to Relena
- Step on Zelgadis!
- The Anti-Brock Site
- The Anti-Trunks Org.
- The Pikachu Recipe Page
- The Pokemon Hate Center
- The Ugliest Clothes in Anime
- Unofficial Site Against Zel and Amelia Coupledom
- Anime Captions Page, The
- Anime Lookalikes
- Anime Thunderdome: East Vs. West
- Avant Gauche - Elegant Gothic Lolita
- Jocelink's Lab
- Mr. T, the toughest man in anime
- Neko Interviews
- Sempai! The Comic Strip!
- The Anime Lounge
- The Tao of Anime
- Toukou Studios
- Yamacsico: the Battle for Space, Time and Love
- You Know You're Watching A Bad Dub When